
Guiding principles on policy:

  • In line with our Constitution - Free Speech/Religious Freedom/2A/Due Process

  • Fiscally responsible

  • Ensures fundamental freedom and liberty

  • Doesn’t infringe on the right to protect yourself and others

  • Supports limited, yet effective, governmental operations

  • Don’t be so open minded your brain falls out

Republican Legislative Priorities and Solutions:

  • Election Integrity

  • Require citizenship verification for each voter, restore felony & civil penalties for election code violations, restore the Attorney General’s ability to enforce the law for violations, restrict mail-in ballots to the disabled/military only, & hand count or machine count via ballot machine disconnected from the internet to enhance security.

  • Secure the Border

  • Declare an invasion at our Texas border, deploy the Texas National Guard/DPS to shut down it down, continue the highly successful busing to sanctuary cities to compel our Federal Government to do their job so Texas doesn’t have to, restore hold in Mexico policy, & enter into trade agreements with South American countries to enhance economic activity locally with the condition of keeping illegal immigrants in their country of origin.

  • Ban Gender Modification in Children

  • Ban the chemical castration of children/puberty blockers/cross sex hormones/genital mutilation.

  • Stop Sexualizing Our Texas Kids

  • Prevent access of harmful, explicit, or pornographic materials to children, prohibit teaching & exposure/discussion of sexual matters. Prohibit use/provision of related books.

  • Ban Democratic Committee Chairs

  • Republicans control the Texas Legislature. To ensure that all Republican legislative priorities are given an opportunity to become law, we will end the practice of awarding committee chairmanships to Democrats.

  • Abolish Abortion in Texas

  • Ensure the right to life, & equal protection of law to all individuals - including the pre-born. Adopt legislative tools to ensure enforcement when rogue DA’s fail to do so.

  • Defend Our Gun Rights

  • Protect our gun rights against threats such as red-flag laws by strengthening, & preserving our inalienable rights under the second amendment to protect life/liberty/property. Eliminate most gun-free zones.

  • Parental Rights and Educational Freedom

  • Parents are the primary decision makers in all matters including the educational needs of their children. Legislate where the money follows the child without hollowing out our rural ISD’s. Enhance penalties when parent’s rights are violated, & ensure education to be free from social theories.

For other specific policy questions, click the following for an answer from Cody.

“If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 60 years ago, a liberal 30 years ago and a racist today.”

-Thomas Sowell